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Spiritus Lux Ventus: A Bridge to the Spirit World for Mediums and Paranormal Entertainers

Experience the Mystical Power of Spiritus Lux Ventus: A Tool for Spirit Communication

Handcrafted with Sensitivity: A Unique Oil Lamp for Performances Seeking Spirit Connection

flickering flame spirit communication device

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Welcome to Spiritus Lux Ventus!  While this was to be, and still is planned to be, a production item, I have recently moved this page to the Custom Boxes and Commissioned Works page due to its inactive status.  Although Spiritus Lux Ventus remains in its prototype phase, it has garnered significant attention and enthusiastic requests to further develop and share this creation. The response was overwhelming after I initially posted a video showcasing this unique creation. However, the excitement was short-lived (at least for me), as I soon found myself facing an unexpected challenge.


An individual in the Bizarre Magic community approached me (well, they actually made public claim....it would have been better if they had contacted me as they knew who I was and how to do so), claiming ownership of my creation. The assertion was astounding: they alleged that they possessed proprietary rights to ALL flickering flames. When I attempted to reason with this person, they shifted their argument, insisting that their claim wasn't about the methodology or technique used to achieve the effect, but rather about the visual experience itself.  They also claimed to own another creation of mine, The Ring of Gyges, again claiming that they owned what the audience observed.  The notion that someone could claim ownership of a sensory experience or visual phenomenon is, frankly, even more far-fetched than asserting ownership of the underlying method. This encounter highlighted the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and the need for clear boundaries in innovation and creativity.  


Regrettably, the recurring disputes with this individual over Spiritus Lux Ventus had a profound impact on the project's progress. The prolonged back-and-forth negotiations (consuming several years, and each time I thought all was good, they would pull things right back and start it all over again) ultimately led to significant setbacks: the required components and parts became obsolete and were no longer manufactured or readily available.  As a result, I was forced to put the project on indefinite hold, leaving its future uncertain. I can only hope that, in time, I will be able to find alternative solutions or workarounds to overcome the unavailability of these critical components, and revive Spiritus Lux Ventus.

Based on a sketch found in a journal from the late 1800’s, a clear glass oil votive is placed inside a six sided decorative cylinder of glass.  The specified design of which,  is made to isolate the flame from any wind disturbance.  Placed in a room or on a table during a sitting, the flame burns steady, bright, and without movement.

We first tested the design in our home in McCordsville, Indiana.  It wasn't long before we observed something very unusual and unexplained.  With all the windows closed, the AC turned off, no fans on, Spiritus Lux Ventus sat quietly burning on our dinning room table...the flame as still and steady as could be. Without notice and for no apparent reason, we observed the flame suddenly began to flicker and jump around as if a strong wind had passed directly through the sides of the glass, but no one was near it...we were sitting about 10 feet away at the time.  At about the same time the flame was jumping, we heard a noise not far from where the oil lamp was sitting.  Then as suddenly as it had started, the flame went still again as if nothing had happened.


My Great Great Grandfather was a prominent member of a Spiritual camp, along with his wife who was said to have the ability to make apparitions appear in broad daylight, often walking with her down the pathways of the camp.  It is unclear exactly who the journal that was found may have belonged to, or if the oil lamp was ever constructed and used.  The only clear thing is that the design of the Spiritus Lux Ventus was meant to keep natural disturbances from the flame, but what if that disturbance is of the supernatural variety?  ...a spirit wind of sorts...a movement able to pass through things undetected by our own eyes. Was this the true reason for the design of the Spiritus Lux Ventus?  


At this time we have only made one Spiritus Lux Ventus, so the item is not yet available.  Hopefully in the near future we will be adding this to our listings.  In the meantime, if you wish to express interest in this item, please contact us.  Want to be kept up to date on projects so that you won't miss out when items such as this are released?  Be sure to sign up for the newsletter and send us an email to let us know of your interest.  email Mooreni at: mooreni@moorenimagic.com

Magic, Mentalism, Paranormal, Seance Props & devices, Custom Boxes

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