Custom Boxes
& Commissioned Work
Card Zig-Zag
The Secrets Box
Spiritus Lux Ventus
Blood Wood XCM Card Box
The Phronesis Box
Michael M's Box
The FISM Tray
Syl Reilly D-Lite
Spiritus Arca
Nostradamus Chest
iD Ballot Box
The Mystic Spirit Board
The Johari Set
Symphony Box
The Ballot Box
The Bell Drop Box
The Faraday Bell Cage
Purple Heart Memorial Box
Syl Reilly D-Lite
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Syl Reilly D-Lite Spirit Light
In 2014, I was commissioned to create a bespoke Spirit Light, inspired by the iconic design attributed to Syl Reilly. The client, already a proud owner of one of my Illumini Spirit Lights, sought to add this unique piece to his collection.
To bring this vision to life, I carefully selected Brazilian Cherry as the primary material, pairing it with a striking edge accent of Wenge. The beautiful black velvet-lined storage box was adorned with semi-handmade brass hardware and flush brass corner screws, adding a touch of elegance to the overall design. It was decided to leave these brass hardware bright and unfinished, allowing them to naturally age with the elements. To ensure effortless removal of the device, a luxurious red satin cloth was thoughtfully integrated into the design. The result was a truly one-of-a-kind Spirit Light that not only honored the original design but also reflected the Mooreni style and craftsmanship.